Unforgiven (Short Film)
'Unforgiven' is a short film about a girl, Abbey who discovers a secret that Jeanne has been hiding, not only she discovers it, she reveals it. Everything leads to this kidnapping moment, where anger takes Jeanne over, and to harm her best friend, Abbey.
This short film was done for my Screen Production subject and it was based on one of the Seven Deadly Sins - Wrath. Taking on the role of scriptwriter, main cameraman and editor. I gained skills such as multitasking as I look up to various roles and responsibilities. As a scriptwriter, I learnt how to write a screenplay in its appropriate way. As a main cameraman, I learnt to execute various camera shots and angles to fulfill the short film's emotions and intensity. As an editor, I learnt to edit in a short period of time given. Not only that, I also learnt how to apply filters and video effects and transitions to show the flashback and present.
Lokal Yishu (Magazine Programme)
'Lokal Issue' is a 20 minute television programme that consists of three topics - 'Art', 'Street' and 'Indie Music'. Two hosts hosted 'Lokal Issue' and they will bring all viewers in to get to know more about our first section of the programme, which showcases underrated and local arts and films from Ilham Gallery, KL. Second section is a showcase of KL old streets, local vintage stores and black & white portrait photography. Final section is a showcase of gigs that plays indie music by independent local bands, starring Pitahati and Sons of the Soil.
This magazine programme was done for my Screen Production subject as well and pre-production took up most of our time since there was tons of preparation such as brainstorming, booking places etc. It was a fun and enjoyable shoot since we got to go to music gigs to watch and film the indie bands which was new to all of us.
I was the one of the content planner, one of the cameraman and one of the editor since there's a few of us working for each roles. As a content planner, I learnt that planning takes time to execute and that I have to give full cooperation with the other content planners, which was my teammate. To give and take is the key to execute a project that we will all be satisfied.
College 101: Class Etiquette
'College 101: Class Etiquette' is about students' manners which students should behave when class is in session. However, this video's point-of-view is from a lecturer and she was providing a few scenarios from some of the student's act which can be annoying or causes nuisance to her.
This college themed video was done for my Television Programme subject and the scenarios shown in the video is based on student's daily life scenarios. This video has comedy elements in it and it is informational as well.
Through this project, I gained skills on talent scouting, location bookings and time management. Time management is difficult as we had quite a number of talents and backup ones. Therefore, shooting took approximately six hours per day and it was a three-day shooting. Most of the time, we had to try our best to rush and finish the shoot within the time given.
What If - Paperplane Pursuit (Music Video)
What If by Paperplane Pursuit is a local production music. As this is for Television Programme subject, we were required to pick one song that belongs locally, then to produce our own music video with the song that we picked. This music video is about a girl always dreams of becoming a singer, but her father dislikes the idea of her daughter becoming a singer. Then, she successfully became one but at the end, it was just a dream and then she woke up.
Through this project, I gained skills on setting up lighting for the scenes respectively. However, some of the scenes that me and my teammates took were deleted accidentally and couldn't be retrieved anymore. Therefore, we had to figure something else out fastest possible.
QnA with Karim (Interview Series)
Episode 1: How to Build Confidence Level
Episode 9: Why Join The Airlines Now?
'QnA with Karim' is a 10-episode series with Mr Karim on some top interview questions asked by people. I have successfully conducted the video shoot and edited 10 of these videos from Adobe Premiere Pro, as well as the 10 seconds intro which I've edited it in Adobe After Effects.
Through this project, I gained skills on setting up and shoot the scenes in a fast paced environment. I've also learnt to work with my team well as we as a team we brainstormed and thought of this concept that these videos would be useful for fresh high school graduates or anyone in general.